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Vera means faith. Faith means never giving up.

Meriden Humane Society

In February of this year MHS was contacted by Connecticut State Animal Control asking if MHS would be willing to assist in taking one of the dogs that was seized and rescued from a dog fighting ring, by the state in October of 2021. Out of the dogs that were rescued, there were a handful still needing placement. The state was looking to place them with a reputable rescue that would help provide the resources and training needed to set the dogs up for success in finding their forever homes. Within a week, the dog team welcomed Vera, a 4-year-old, female pit mix to the MHS family.

Vera was apprehensive of new people and new situations when she first came to MHS. State Animal Control had diligently worked with Vera to build her confidence in going through doorways and entering new spaces, but Vera still needed some reassurance and encouragement with each step. Everyday things such as free exercise in our exterior dog area or running and playing with toys were all new to Vera.

Our dedicated dog team embraced Vera from the second she walked through our doors. With each new volunteer Vera encountered, you could see the hesitation in her eyes lifting, and through constant commitment, reassurance, love, and trust helped Vera come out of her shell.

Within a few weeks of being at MHS, Vera’s playful personality started to shine! The excited, happy puppy came out. Vera can now be seen getting the case of the zoomies in MHS’s new free run area, snuggling with volunteers, loving any toy she could get her paws on, and getting excited for going on walks. Vera has even made friends with a few other canine pals at the shelter, Emma, Freckles, and Bailey being 3 of her favorites!

Vera has made great strides coming into her own personality and is ready for adoption. MHS would like to thank Connecticut State Animal Control for allowing us the opportunity to make Vera a part of our MHS family and help Vera on her journey to her forever home.

Vera is currently available for adoption at the Meriden Humane Society along with some of her other canine pals. For more information on Vera or our other adoptable pets please visit our website.

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